Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am on a roll to lose these rolls... because that is how I roll!

YEAH.... I am on a roll to lose these rolls... because THAT IS HOW I ROLL!

Too bad I can't have a ROLL!

OOOOH... what a night working out... let me tell ya.

So, I have been excited ALL DAY about the dance class at the Courthouse tonight. The class is AMAZING... It made me miss my dancing days from high school and college! The choreography is rather impressive as well! I AM SO PUMPED! So... yesterday I went to Jazzy Dancer to get me some new Blochs (these are super cool split soled dance shoes that I had in college... LOVE THEM). Like I said before... If I am going to be the fattest and ugliest person in the class... I AM AT LEAST GONNA HAVE GOOD SHOES. Those of you who know me well... know that I like shoes.

*Since I can no longer fit into REALLY cute clothes, I find that I like to compensate for it with cute shoes and FABULOUS bags! The bigger the purse, the better! I love em!

Anyway.... so I arrived at the Cypress Lake Courthouse and got there in time to do ABS CLASS! WHOO HOO! My friend, Morgan, came as well... we were all excited about the Abs class and Dance class! I made it through the Abs class... 15 MINUTES OF HELL, PEOPLE... but I DID NOT GIVE UP... I was able to hang in there! It is funny how you don't quit when you know all the skinny chickies will look at you and think, "That fat girl doesn't even have abs... so what in the heck does she think SHE is doing?"

After Abs... WE DANCED! The instuctor, Tina, was SUPER NICE! I was ALL READY... do you hear me... READY! A few more people came in just before the class started... some of them were in high school or college... (you could tell). The class started... I didn't know the choreography, like most of the people did. The instructor said to see what we could pick up if we had never been in there... but not to worry because next week WE GET TO LEARN A BRAND NEW ROUTINE!

So, Morgan and I are hanging in there... we aren't getting in all, but I look down at my heart rate monitor and I see that my heart rate is 178... so HECK YEAH... I AM BURNING THE CALORIES! YAY!

Then.... GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOH........ UGH! This little HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE CHICKIE comes in LATE... yeah that is right... LATE... She is BEAUTIFUL... no doubt... black dance pants, red top with her tummy showing.... LONG, BEAUTIFUL brown hair with the sweet little curls.... her make up was perfect... jewelry... yeah.... you get the picture... We shall call her "DANCING BARBIE"

SHE STANDS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I can no longer see the instructor... the only part of myself I can see in the mirror, is the part that sticks out on the edges of her skinny rear end....

Skinny Barbie knows ALL THE MOVES... yeah... she's been there before... She was twirling and kicking and slinging that hair all in my face... NOW DANCING BARBIE HAS NAPPY HAIR TO ME. I am upset with her... she is showing me up... making me look stupid on purpose... she has it all... the look, the hair, the moves... the body... I DISLIKE HER!

So... as I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror again while I am BEHIND because I don't know the steps... I notice that the purple shirt I am wearing makes me look like Grimace (the big fat purple character from McDonald's)or perhaps Barney! I can't decide if I should cry or start singing, "I love you, you love me... I should hang my fat tail from a tree..."

Before I had a mini breakdown in the middle of the gym, I look at Morgan.... she is perky and blonde and has a great figure... DESPITE THE FACT THAT SHE HAS 4 YEAR OLD TWINS....
She says, "Okay... enough!" We gathered our things... and hit a few weights....

As I am working my arms, I reflect on the 15 MINUTES I spent in dance class... (THAT IS CORRECT... 15 STINKIN' MINUTES is all I made it)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I decided that I will be there next week and learn ALL THE NEW MOVES... THEN I WILL SHOW DANCING BARBIE HOW WE ROLLED IN THE 1990s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!

I was a part of the 1996 American All Star Dance team and I performed in London, England in the International Goodwill Performance Tour! Dancing barbie doesn't know this... YET! And when I lose enough weight that I can see my cute shoes again... I am going to ROLL RIGHT over her... in the mean time... I might smack her with one of my rolls as I twirl around NEXT WEEK!

Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride! Not even dancing barbie!

After the gym, I went to Kroger to pick up steamed shrimp for the salad Ben and I had for dinner! I WON'T EVEN MENTION the ROLLS I smelled and had to pass up on the bread aisle... Those are not the GOOD ROLLS I need to focus on....

So... Until next time... please think of me while I continue to be on a roll to lose these rolls because that is how I roll.... although I can't eat a roll!


  1. Thanks. As funny as your blog is, you have me wanting a roll now.

  2. So, apparently I am "optimistic". I have no idea where that came from. Maybe it's an omen.

  3. I have a blog. I don't update it as often as I should, but it's if you wanna take a look-see.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is the funniest thing I have read in weeks! I am so proud of you Brandi!! You keep it up and when summer is here, you will be putting all of us to shame!

  6. you are such a mess! love you! Jacqueline

  7. First of all, I only know you from FB but I've seen your pictures and girl, there is nothing ugly about you! Dancing Barbie may be cute now but when gravity & age hit her pretty good, she'll be a whole different person. Not to mention, she probably possesses the personality of a pine cone. :) haha! You get out there, dance your heart out, burn those calories, and show her what age & experience will do for someone.

    I think it's so cool what you're doing for yourself! I'm enjoying your progress! You go girl! :)

    ~Tasha Burnett

  8. Brandi, I must say I just love you girl! You crack me up! BTW, I think you're gorgeous just as you are, but I'm very proud of you for making yourself healthier! Girl, if anyone knows the struggles of weight loss..I'm your girl. I'm sure you remember me in my heavier days. Keep it up! You're doing great and before no time you will be doing all those dance moves 10x better than that dang dancing barbie! No ones likes her anyway! hA! Love you! ;)

  9. Brandi- this is hilarious!! I am just laughing out loud!!!! I think you are so brave to do this blog and I support you 100%!!
