Thursday, January 29, 2009


Okay.... so several of my friends write to me and tell me to keep them posted on what sort of workouts I am doing to "KEEP THIS FUN"... so here is an update. Please keep in mind as you read this people, that I SAID I WOULD PUT IT ALL OUT THERE, so here it is..... (I hope you are sitting down)!

Last night I got home and I said to Ben, "I think I will change things up a little tonight." I then went to the Comcast On Demand section and selected the Exercise and Fitness option. Oh yeah... I found some GREAT cardio workouts on there. I did a little cardio warm up, then I did some Abs... ohhhhhhh I was FEELIN' it for SURE! Then a big burst of excitement ran through me as I noticed there were some CARDIO DANCE STUFF ON THERE! So the first little hip hop routine was a lot of fun. I was BURNING THE CALORIES for sure. I caught on so well. I was PROUD!!! Mt hear rate was up and I was jammin'! Then I saw that there was a "SEXY DANCE" routine that was to help my abs and legs.

So here is what happened... (Oh, Gosh... this is SO hard to admit)... uh... The girl came on the screen with her little skinny posse! I immediately loved what they were all wearing. Color coordinated little outfits. You know... the same color sports bras with the bright colored work out tops that hang of the shoulders a little bit. It was like LOVE OF THE 80s without all of that hair! YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!

We started with a little sexy hip motion. I had this down in no time and I believe I was lookin' pretty good! I was even sort of hoping that Ben would walk through the living room so he could be like, "Dang, wifey... you are lookin' GOOD!" So realizing that I was burning the calories and I was REALLY FEELING THE BURN... I decided to put ALL I HAD INTO IT, especially since Ben might see me and be OH SO PROUD! Well... suddenly- little chickie instructor on the screen decided that we should all do this "SEXY MOVE"- as she called it- where you spread your legs a part and squat in a way that would stretch all of your leg muscles, your behind and even keep work those abs some more. Then as you are in this sort of SITTING position, you stick your behind out and bend back up in a rolling fashion. I must admit, it looked pretty sexy when they all did it, so I became very excited. I even thought... Hmmmm... Carma Electra has NOTHING ON ALL OF THIIIIIISSSSSSS! Yeah... that was until I put all I had into the second motion and RIPPED THE SEAM OUT OF THE ASS OF MY PANTS!

At this point, my heart rate went up and it was NOT because I was working out. Have any of you been embarrassed of YOURSELF... IN YOUR OWN HOME? It is devastating! My heart was racing and I wanted to cry. I then decided that I "wanted to sit in the floor and do sit ups" so that Ben wouldn't think I was throwing in the towel so soon on my nightly work out. I actually just wanted to sit down on the floor because I didn't even want my husband to know that his FATTY WIFE ripped out the seam of the butt of her pants while working out! I mean... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What else can happen, really?

I am OBESE, my Mii looks like the Michilan Man, I am sore, tired, hungry and now I have ripped the butt out of my best work out pants... Oh... and there is NOTING SEXY ABOUT THIS! GOD HELP ME!

Thank goodness this didn't happen at the gym. I probably would have suffered that heart attack that I am diligently trying to avoid and just DIED on the spot!

So.... All of you who are really working to lose a good bit of weight! HANG IN THERE! This is no easy task. There will be peaks and a WHOLE LOT OF VALLEYS!

Anyone who wants to workout with me... let me know; however, I must warn you... YOU MIGHT END UP SEEING MORE OF ME THAN YOU BARGAINED FOR! Just ask my pants!

Until next time... I will work to make that sexy dance sexy!


  1. I am laughin so hard right now. Poor Brandi!! And yes I have embarrassed myself in my own home and was thanking God that no one saw it!!

  2. I am laughing out loud at my desk! Poor thing! Don't feel bad...I pretty much did the same thing to a pair of jeans I had just put know the ole squat to stretch them out routine. Right as I started to squat my roommate and her bf walked in the house....and RRIIIPPPP goes the seam of my jeans.
    At least no one witnessed your mortifying moment! Good job on the workouts! Keep them up.

  3. Girl... ROTFLOL! You had me laughing so hard, tears were rolling. And don't feel like the Lone Ranger - I was so embarrassed to fall off my back steps (graceful swan dive) and crumple at the bottom. Messed up the left ankle AND my hubby had to come scrape me up off the ground. So humiliating.

    You are fantastic! Have someone stitch up those britches & carry on proudly! :)))

  4. Ladies... the BRITCHES need STITCHED and so does my ego!

  5. This is hilarious, thank goodness dancin barbie wasn't there. I am proud, if you ripped the seams, you must have been WORKIN it girl!! Tonight I might try to work out so hard that hopefully I will rip my pants!! hahah

    You Rock!

  6. Jennifer Moudy... You DO NOT want to rip the pants. IT IS TERRIBLE! It is really terrible, especially since I love those pants! Do you think maybe I should wear my Spanx under the gym clothes? Hmmmmm that is a thought....

    Jennifer Kimble... I love ya, girl~ BUT I AM CURRENTLY JEALOUS of your SKINNY jeans! If YOU ripped pants, it can clearly happen to ANYONE... so what you are saying to me is..."There is really no hope for you!" ha ha ha! LOVE IT! (So sorry this happened to you... wink, wink)


  7. BRANDI!!!!! OMG! I am embarassed for you but I send major props for you having the courage to put it out there like that! YOU GO GIRL! And if you want, I have a sewing machine so I'll be happy to help you mend the rip...keep in mind though...that stuff happens to girls of all shapes and sizes! One of my most embarrassing moment happened at the Dock when my SIL and I were getting down with our bad selves! I thought this guy was trying to mack up on me but he whispered in my ear that my pants were actually split down the middle...YIKES!! OMG! I was mortified! At least you were in the privacy of your own home!

  8. Omg, I am so DYING out loud laughing!! I mean I was laughing so hard that I almost woke Makayla up!! You are tooo funy!!! I am so glad for your sake that you were home and that Ben didn't just happen to walk by at that very moment!! You still keep that drive going hunny, it won't be long that you will be able to knock ol Barbie right out of the way! :) I'm proud of you!!!

  9. i don't even KNOW you and i'm laughing out loud. hilarious. you are hilarious!!!

    this has just MADE my day.

    i seriously comtemplated spanx under my gym clothes just yesterday, too. would it work? i wonder?

    i'll follow you on your journey - i'm on that same journey. mine is called "doing better". we can all do better, right?

    thanks for the laugh out loud this morning.

  10. OMG, I am so sorry....but I am glad that you can laugh about it and put it all out there! That is awesome! Keep up the good work. You are doing something GOOD for yourself and you should be PROUD!
